

The PASAE draft Constitution Version 1, adopted in 2016, was extensively discussed and refined at the Council meeting held in Nairobi in March 2018. (The updated PASAE Constitution, - 23 March 2018, with all the editorial changes proposed will be tabled at the next PASAE AGM, -(2019) for approval).
Pan African Society for Agricultural Engineering
Interim Constitution

Constitution adopted in 2016
Constitution editorial changes on 23 March 2018



The concept of a Pan African Society of Agricultural Engineers (PASAE), referred to hereafter as AfroAgEng was first discussed at the 7th CIGR International Technical Symposium “Innovating the Food Value Chain” held at Stellenbosch University in South Africa from 25 to 29 November 2012. A concept note was compiled and distributed by Prof Linus Opara for discussion. Following discussion, the following interim committee was established: - to establish AfroAgEng prior to the formation of Council.
Prof. Umezuruike Linus Opara (President)
Prof. Jeff Smithers (Secretary General)
Prof. Babatunde A. Adewumi
Dr. Mahasin H.M.A. Ahmed
Prof. Geoffrey C. Mrema



The Mission of AfroAgEng is to promote and advance the profession of agricultural engineering in Africa. The Society also seeks to become a key knowledge partner and visible policy advocate on the role of engineering and technology in the transformation and industrialisation of agriculture in Africa towards Agenda 2063 and beyond – the Africa we want.



The objectives of AfroAgEng include the following:

  1. Raise awareness and influence policy and strategy about the critical role of engineering and technological innovations in agriculture and related bio-based industries in Africa
  2. Facilitate and promote communication and collaboration between national professional Agricultural Engineering institutes and societies
  3. Promote quality assurance and academic mobility among agricultural engineering programmes on the African continent
  4. Facilitate the exchange and sharing of information on the different aspects of Agricultural and Bioresources engineering
  5. Assist individual members to develop their professional knowledge, skills and network through information exchange
  6. Promote and support a network of young agricultural engineers as the pipeline for future leadership in the discipline and profession
  7. Promote collaboration between the academic discipline, professional practice and industries serving agriculture
  8. Represent the profession at continental and global levels
  9. Participate in the affairs and promote the activities of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR) in Africa



Agricultural productivity in Africa remains the lowest in the world, but recent concerns about food security, water security, rapidly expanding global population, rising food prices and unsustainable resource utilisation have focussed world-wide interest on the role of agricultural production in Africa in feeding Africa and the world. Most of the world’s uncultivated agricultural land is in Africa, yet the capacity to harness this resource remains limited due partly to very low application of innovative technologies which are necessary for improved and sustainable food production. Postharvest loss remains high in Africa due to inadequate infrastructure, limited agro-processing and other value addition activities, and the lack of favourable policies. These challenges present unique opportunities for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers in Africa and around the world to form a critical mass of educators, researchers and industries to create the required leadership to drive the change needed to transform African agriculture. AfroAgEng aims to stimulate, promote and shape the education, research, policy and practice of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in Africa.



The membership categories are available:

  1. Student membership
    A certificate of membership will be issued and will receive all communication from AfroAgEng.
  2.  Individual membership – Voting member
    A certificate of membership will be issued and will receive all communication from AfroAgEng.
  3.  Regional and National Professional Agricultural Engineering institute/society membership – Voting member
    A certificate of membership will be issued and will receive all communication from AfroAgEng and may place an advertisement for events in the newsletters.
  4.  Educational, Research and Technology transferred institute / department membership
    A certificate of membership will be issued. Institutes / departments will receive all communication from AfroAgEng and may place an advertisement in newsletters.
  5.  Corporate membership
    A certificate of membership will be issued. Companies will receive all communication from AfroAgEng and may place an advertisement in newsletters.
  6.  Life membership
    A certificate of life membership will be awarded.
  7.   Fellow membership
  8.  Honorary membership
    To recognize exceptional contributions to Agricultural Engineering.



Council will review annually.



The Council for AfroAgEng will be chaired by the President and will be responsible for meeting the aims and objectives of the society and for the operation of the society. The council shall comprise of the following positions:

  1. President
  2. Immediate Past President
  3. Secretary General
  4. One representative from each Regional and National Agricultural Engineering Society who are members of AfroAgEng, and
  5. Three additional members, nominated and elected by the General Body


All members of Council will have equal voting rights, and the President will have a casting vote when votes are equal.

The Council will meet at least once every year.  The quorum for a meeting shall not be less than one-half of the Council Members.

The Council is responsible for the management of the financial affairs for AfroAgEng and for the appointment of an Auditor to undertake annual audits of the society.

The Council shall produce an annual report for distribution to members and which shall include a summary of activities undertaken by the Council over the past year, activities planned for the coming year and the audited financial statements.
The term of Council membership is two years and is renewable.
The President may be re-elected for a second term, but cannot serve more than two consecutive terms, i.e. cannot serve as President for more than four years.
The Secretary will be responsible for calling for nominations for council members and all members will be eligible to vote.
Council shall oversee the nomination of awards and prizes.


6.General Assembly

The General Assembly shall comprise of all current voting members of the AfroAgEng.
The General Assembly shall nominate and elect the members of the Council every two years.



Activities undertaken by AfroAgEng should include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Facilitate a continental Agricultural Engineering conference at least once in two years by collaborating with national Agricultural Engineering conferences on a rotational basis.
  2. Arrange and/or assist ad hoc symposia, lectures or discussions at national or regional level.
  3. Publish newsletters to make known its activities and those of its members as well as other matters of importance.
  4. Maintain an up to date website for AfroAgEng.
  5. Give appropriate recognition to persons who have rendered exceptional service over a long period of time, in the interests of education and research and industry in Agricultural Engineering.


8.Technical Sections

Council to establish Technical Sections when requested to do so and when requested to do so and when a sufficient number of members warrant the establishment of the sections.



The Secretary General will be responsible for the establishment and management of a Secretariat, whose responsibilities will include the following:

  1. communication with members,
  2. invoicing members and fee collection,
  3. website administration,
  4. record keeping and administration, and
  5. management and control of finances,
  6. facilitate and circulate the AfroAgEng newsletter


Income generated by AfroAgEng can be used to support the activities of the Secretariat. 


10.Changes to Constitution

Changes to the Constitution shall be made only with the approval of at least two-thirds of the GA Members who have voted by electronic/postal ballot.